New Year New Lifestyle

Articles 21 Des 2017

Perhaps one of your new year’s resolutions is: Healthy Lifestyle. Have you applied it already? For those of you who have not thought to add a healthy lifestyle in your new year’s resolutions, maybe the explanation below may change your mind.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity are major global health risk factors. But the every person’s healthy lifestyle is not the same. Implementing a healthy lifestyle needs to be adjusted with age, gender, level of physical activity, health condition, even eating habits. You can’t expect the same lifestyle changes as someone with a different body or health condition, such as following an idol, model, or actor.

Here are some ways to start a healthy lifestyle that you can immediately apply and make new habits or routines.

1. Know your health status.

You have to know your body mass index (BMI) and your waist size to check if there are risk factors for the disease, such as obesity. Also recognize your physical activity level, such as how much activity is done in a week and the intensity. By knowing the physical condition and health of your body, you can determine the next step of a healthy lifestyle change that is appropriate to do.

2. Improve your diet and stop your bad habits.

Make a list of what foods you eat every day. Remember, this is done to find out what needs to be changed from the old diet. You can not switch to a healthy lifestyle if you do not know what old habits need to be eliminated or maintained.

3. Increase your physical activity and manage your stress.

Adults are encouraged to set aside at least two and a half hours per week for physical activity-such as walking and running-with moderate intensity. Or you can set aside an hour and 15 minutes a week for high-intensity physical activity, plus muscle-strengthening activities, such as push-ups and sit-ups, at least two days a week. Maintain mental health is also included in a healthy lifestyle. Insert activities such as yoga and meditation to cope with stress.

4. Improve your bedtime.

Make a fixed sleep schedule. Heavy exercise before bed is not recommended. You can take a hot bath and have a cup of tea to make your body and mind relax, helping you to get to sleep. Do not underestimate sleep disorders, see your doctor immediately to get the appropriate treatment, if your sleep time is problematic.

5. Improve your relationship with people around you.

Lifestyle changes are not just about diet and exercise, social interactions with people around you also contribute to your mental health and emotions. You do not have to equate all aspects of your life with your neighbors or friends, but you still need to spend time socializing, whether it’s virtual or face-to-face. Improving relationships with others will provide a sense of comfort for each party.

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