The Importance of a Healthy Breakfast

Articles 18 Okt 2017

Mornings are important because it’s when you start a new day. How about having breakfast? A lot of people get out of the house without having their breakfast first. There are many reasons why people don’t start the day by having breakfast. So, should we skip breakfast?

Despite on how important it is, some people missed it for several reasons. For example, because they woke up late and they want to arrive on campus or the office on time. The second reason is because of fear of getting fat although without having your breakfast, you tend to eat more and increase your calorie intake due to your increased appetite.

The third reason for skipping breakfast is because you are bored of the food or you have no desire to eat your breakfast.
Healthy food helps the brain capture more information which allows you to concentrate while on the move.

The body needs enough energy to run the activity in the morning and that energy could be obtained from breakfast. In order to work optimally, the brain needs to get it’s nutrients from breakfast food. In addition, having breakfast prevents ulcer disease and avoids uncontrolled eating.

Filling your stomach with breakfast neutralizes your stomach acid. Having Breakfast also prevents us from excessive hunger and snacking habits. It can also reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and cholesterol.

So, what’s your healthy breakfast this morning, Oatlovers?

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