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Oatlovers, have you ever experienced dull elbows and knees? This is actually normal because, elbows and knees have many folds on them and sometimes it’s slightly peeling. The dead skin cells gather on these parts which makes it look dull and dark. So how do we treat it? Follow all these steps, Oatlovers! #OatStyle
1. SCRUB WITH LEMON SKIN. Lemons contain vitamin C and citric acid which can reduce the dark color on the knees and elbows.
2. Wipe SCRUB EXCESS WITH BAKING SODA. Baking soda texture remove’s dead skin cells and it could also softens the skin.
3. APPLY HONEY AND LEMON. Lemon makes the skin brighter and honey moisturizes the skin. These two blends are efficient in reducing blackness and also moisturizes the skin.
Women in general would want to shape her body is always keep their body
Hello Oatlovers! Did you know that cancer is the deadliest disease? There are stages
The risk behind the beauty of colorful hair that is damaged hair like dry
Hello Oatlovers! Sprue is a thing that is quite disturbing to the mouth, in