Three Ways To Treat Dandruff Hair

Articles 18 Okt 2017

Dandruff is really annoying, right Oatlovers? Not only that it itches, it could also affect your appearance. The fungus that grows on your scalp, whether it’s dry or oily, can cause the dead skin cell to pile up. This allows the fungus to grow more fertile which could cause dandruff.

So, can we actually solve this problem? Well of course, Oatlovers! You can even prevent it too. All we have to do is follow these tips! #OatStyle
1. Wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner which contains vitamin E on a regular basis.
2. Live a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise, no smoking, adequate rest, and make sure to relax because it can help you avoid stress because stress causes dandruff.
3. Expand the intake of vitamin A, C supplements, and selenium content that can nourish the scalp and the strands of hair.

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