5 Benefits of Basil Seeds

Articles 11 Apr 2019

Hello Oatlovers! Do you know that basil seeds are known as complementary ingredients in serving drinks, it turns out to have many benefits? This basil seed comes from the seeds of a sun-dried basil plant, basil seeds produce a unique texture that makes the beverage more delicious. Reported by NDTV Food, basil seeds are rich in antioxidants which control diabetes as well as skin health. Want to know more about the benefits of basil seeds for body health? Let’s see!

1. Control body weight

Apparently basil seeds can control our weight, Oatlovers! Because basil seeds are rich in dietary fiber function to facilitate our digestion. Eating basil seeds can actually make your stomach full longer so that you can control your weight. The unsaturated fat content in basil seeds can accelerate fat burning and accelerate the body’s metabolism.

2. Refreshing the body

Basil seeds are often used as a complement to cold drinks, in addition to beautifying drinks for attractive appearance, basil seeds are also able to refresh the body by lowering hot body temperature. In addition to the heat-fighting drug coolant in basil seeds, it is useful as a hot throat herb and can cure loh fever Oatlovers!

3. Drug nausea

If you have nausea or bloating basil seeds can be a drug solution for nausea and bloating tablets, antioxidants in basil seeds can speed up the detox process and cleanse the stomach. Volatile oil in basil also functions to release gas which causes flatulence and bloating.

4. Cure flu and cough

Because basil seeds contain flavonoid antioxidants in the form of vicenin, orientin, and beta carotene which function as a bastion of various types of bacteria and viral diseases, antispasmodic properties in basil seeds also serve to relieve stubborn coughs and flu.

5. Useful for skin and hair

Do we want to have healthy skin and hair? Apparently iji basil can make skin and hair healthy and not dry. Eating basil seeds regularly can help increase collagen formation in the body which can moisturize the skin. Not only consumed, a mixture of coconut oil and mashed seed is rich in protein, iron, and vitamin K can be used as a hair mask to strengthen and nourish hair growth.

Now that’s Oatlovers, 5 benefits from basil seeds as well as fresh drink garnish can beautify the appearance of drinks, it turns out that basil seeds have a myriad of benefits that are good for our body, don’t forget to always include your fresh refreshments. Good luck with Oatlovers!



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